Indie flight arcade game solo developed by Sanikku/Sanikkat
Sorry if it's a bit verbose or uncessary!
I also wrote this while very tired; it WILL change alot.

What is Aggressors?

Aggressors is A indie flight arcade game inspired by games and the attitude of the early 2000s. Main inspiration are games from the Playstation and Dreamcast, with notable examples being Sidewinder V, Simple 2000 Vol. 78, & Armored Core.
Despite this Aggressors won't be a straight clone; it will be its own game. Very experimental and different than the others.
Currently I (Sani) am the only developer of this project, I don't have a job nor do I have funding. I spend most of my time developing this game purely out of passion, with minor help from friends and family.

How does it play?

in Aggressors, you’ll step into the shoes of a mercenary pilot. The game structure harks back to the traditional stage mission systems of early games. The core gameplay is rooted in semi-realistic aircraft physics, taking into account factors like Angle of Attack (AOA) and G-forces. Your payload mirrors reality - what you see on your plane is what you carry, and while not needed; flares are mostly necessary. Options to expand your payload and disable some of the more challenging mechanics have already been implemmented.While missions will be over top, they will balanced to be able to be complete. You’ll be piloting either fictionalized versions of real-life jets or entirely fictional ones, fighting modern technology some more advanced than yours and some not even possible in our current world. Some missions will provide you with wingmen whom you can command. The control scheme draws inspiration from the Ace Combat series and is designed with gamepad or analog input in mind.The game is narrative-driven, supplemented by side missions that are not tied to the main story. It offers multiple story paths, but nothing too complex - after all, it’s a one-person project! The writing and dialogue aim to maintain a minimum level of realism.In terms of narrative, an optional hub world is available between missions where you can interact with characters in a visual novel style.Aircraft customization is a key feature - if a missile can theoretically connect to a pylon, you can probably use it on your favorite Air Frame. Your only limit is your budget; repair costs and ammo costs will impact your resources. Story missions can be permanently failed, so caution is advised - or throw caution to the wind and see where it takes you!

Narrative? What's the setting like?

Aggressors Takes place in a sci-fantasy setting i've created a long time ago called C.E.N.E. (children's of earth new era). C.E.N.E. was inspired by Ace Combat and Mobile Suit Gundam (UC) in terms of tone; but it is very different.The world is Earth, but not as we know it. Thousands of years have passed since a cataclysmic event wiped out humanity, leaving behind only the Therrans - animals that have slowly evolved into humanoid forms due to experiments aimed at preserving the essence of humanity.Therrans possess minor animalistic traits and behaviors. Yet they still appear very human with the difference usually being organs; sensory included. They also carry engrams of our past society. Over time, they’ve discovered remnants of ancient technology, reverse-engineering it and even creating their own based on misinterpretations from archaeological finds. The result is a society that mirrors our own in a chaotic way, with constant warfare fueled by an almost religious reverence for the relics of humanity, technological progress, and the struggle for resources.In Aggressors, you’re part of the MCSC (Merchant Shipping Company), a shipping company. You are part of the security division who's main job is really to protect naval vessels. However, they often than not the security division gets contracted by nations to carry out jobs for them. Despite being primarily backed by the equivalent of our modern day western powers, they operate without regard for borders. In the game you choose what path your squadron takes in this world.The story will be one of political criticism; but in a way where the player interprets the message.

Can i see gameplay?

The button above is a link to the Aggressors twitter account, where work in progress stuff will be posted. Aditional comentary will be on my main account or bluesky; along with alot of unrelated garbage.

I want to support the development of Aggressors!

Aggressors is a fun project done mainly out of passion. I am currently unemployed and have been for a long time, so I’ve been working 12-8 hours daily on this project for over a year now (as of 2023/10/31). Nearly every single art asset and line of code is done by me. The rest are either CC BY-SA things, or assets bought from the Unity Store, which is very little as I don’t have a source of income, yet really helpful. That being said, this project could go further if I had some money, or at least monetary support. So while it’s too early to do a fundraiser or even ask, if you REALLY want to help, I have a Ko-fi set up. So…

Other than that, simply being there for me is also good enough. The attention I've gotten is more than I expected, specially when this is quite literally my first time programing something specially since i am artist by trade, so thank you for the support.